Visual Routine Charts for Morning, after school and Night time

In honor of Back to School I have some DIY routine charts to share with you!

These routine charts are great for kids who need a visual cue to know what has to get done in the morning when they wake up, before they go to school, after they come home from school and at night before bed. My kids love the satisfying feeling of closing a flap after completing a task. I hope your kids enjoy these visual charts as well!

Instructions to make your own:

You can reference the photo on top of this post for a visual on how the completed chart should look.

Use one poster board to make 2 charts by cutting it in half.

  1. Print out the routine charts you would like to use. You can find them at the end of this post. (Click the picture and a new window will open with the pdf to print through Google Drive)
  2. Cut out all the black boxes for the pictures and words you would like to use.
  3. Fold each of the poster board halves in half. Then open it up. The top side will be where you will paste down the picture boxes. The bottom side will be where you paste down the words corresponding to those pictures. Paste the boxes closer to side where the fold mark is to leave room for the magnet tape.
  4. Cut a line through the bottom side between each of the boxes of words, to make flaps that you can fold up.
  5. Cut a piece of magnet tape about the size of the width of the flap. Then cut that piece in half.
  6. Stick one piece of the magnet tape on the bottom of the word box, and stick the other piece of the magnet tape on top of the picture box. Repeat this for each of the boxes.
  7. Close all the flaps and then paste the boxes with the word "done" on them in the center.
  8. Now You have completed your routine chart! Repeat the above steps for each routine chart you would like to make.

If you live in a 2 floor house, you can separate your charts by where they take place. The Morning one has a portion that takes place upstairs and can be kept in the bedroom. The other portion can be kept downstairs, near the front door. The after school routine chart can also be kept near the front door. The night time routine chart can be kept by the bedroom.

Items Needed:

If you do not have the supplies listed, I am including Amazon Affiliate links below, to make it easier to find the supplies you need to make your own Visual Routine Chart.