For this year my oldest came up with the idea to do a careers theme. My oldest wanted to be an author, My 9 year old wanted to be a hair stylist and my 6 year old wanted to be a makeup artist. Then I thought of the idea to do a SPA theme to tie it all in together. I figured I would make a SPA Magazine that customers read in the waiting room, to give out in the Shaloch Manos. My oldest wrote the descriptions for the Staff Members and the customer reviews.

SPA Theme

My husband was the Spa Customer Service, I was the Spa Director, my kids were a Spa Magazine Author, Spa Magazine Graphic Artist, Hair Stylist, and Makeup Artist. My twins were Customers.


  • I put the Shalach Manos in clear makeup bags. I put on a paper mask that looks like a sleeping mask.
  • On the mask I put on a label with a QR code that could be scanned to read the "Nussbaum Spa Magazine".
  • I put in a Wash Cloth.
  • Rock Candy in a bottle to look like bath salts.
  • Dried Kiwis to look like cucumber slices.
  • Nutella to look like a mud mask.
  • Candy lip stick for Lip Stick.
  • Wafers to look like nail filers.
  • Marshmallows to look like cotton balls.
  • Cotton Candy to look like a Pouf.
  • Sour lip gummies to look like a lip mask
  • Water for the Spa Water

Nussbaum Spa Magazine by Malky Nussbaum